Permanent teeth morphology of Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi Autonomous Region 广西地区693颗壮族人恒牙解剖形态测量
The eruption of permanent teeth have a certain amount of time and sequence. 恒牙的萌出有一定的时间和次序。
By the time a child reaches age21 years all32 permanent teeth will usually have erupted. 当孩子到达年龄21年的时候全部32个恒牙通常恒牙萌发完成。
Effect of Vitapex apexification in inducing the root apex development of young permanent teeth; 目的探讨复方氢氧化钙糊剂在根尖诱导术中的临床效果。
The Evaluation of Effect of Laser Fluorescence for Detecting Proximal Dental Caries in Permanent Teeth 激光荧光检测技术诊断恒牙邻面龋的临床效果评价
A Survey on Loss of Permanent Teeth among the Middle-aged and Elderly in Urban and Rural Areas of Fujian Province A Sampled Investigation of the Root Caries of Adult in Northeast China 福建省城乡中老年人群恒牙缺失情况调查东北地区中老年人群根面龋抽样调查分析
Prevalence of unilateral posterior crossbite among adolescents with permanent dentition in Xi'an Fixed Re-implant Technology Application in Mixed Dentition Permanent Teeth of Fixed Replantation Period 固定矫治技术在替牙期恒牙再植固定中的应用
Clinical effects of pulpotomy for young permanent teeth with MTA MTA用于年轻恒牙活髓切断的临床观察
Application of Injectable Root Canal Paste in Apexification of Immature Permanent Teeth 注射用根管糊剂在年轻恒牙根尖诱导成形术中的应用
Treatment of the Caries in Permanent Teeth of Children with Atraumatic Restorative Treament in Wuding, Yunnan Province 云南武定县非创伤性充填术治疗儿童恒牙龋坏的临床观察
It could interfere with the correct development of permanent teeth. 吸吮拇指可能会对恒牙的正确生长产生妨碍。
There are times when permanent teeth are "stuck" in the bone and gum. However, it is possible to lift back the gum and remove a small amount of bone, allowing these teeth to erupt into the mouth. 有时恒牙会卡在骨头内,这时我们必须去除少量骨头,允许这些牙萌发进入口腔。
Comparison of different materials during apexification of young permanent teeth 不同材料在年轻恒牙根尖诱导成形过程中的比较
While primary teeth will at one stage be replaced by the permanent teeth, they are very important for several reasons – including chewing and speech. 虽然乳牙会在某一阶段全部更换为恒牙,他们是非常重要的几个原因,包括槟榔、讲话。
Swallowing too much fluoride can cause fluorosis or white spots on your child's permanent teeth. 要是吞咽太多的氟能惹起慢性氟中毒大概牙齿上永世留着白点。
Effect of fiber posts on the fracture resistance of immature permanent teeth 不同黏结材料对纤维桩修复牙根发育不完全牙抗折性能的影响
She is losing her baby teeth and getting permanent teeth. 大部分哺乳类动物有乳齿及永久齿之别。她的乳齿正在脱落,以及生恒齿。
Elucidate the relationship between curative effect of segmental arch technique on fixing avulsed permanent teeth and abutment teeth 片段弓技术对外伤脱位牙固定疗效与邻牙关系探讨
Objective: To evaluate the short period clinical responses after one-visit root canal therapy for infected permanent teeth. 慢性根尖周炎根管治疗术一次法的近期临床反应。
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the segmental arch technique in fixing replanted traumatically avulsed permanent teeth. 前言:目的:评价正畸片段弓技术应用于固定外伤脱位再植牙的效果。
You wished for your child to have all permanent teeth. 你多希望孩子的牙都换成了恒牙。
Objective To study the expression and significance of osteoprotegerin ( OPG) in the development of dogs permanent teeth germs. 目的:探讨犬乳恒牙替换过程中骨保护素在犬恒牙胚发育中的表达及意义。
Objective: to study the morphyology of assessory canals in root canal systems of permanent teeth in a Chinese population, provide anatomical reference to endodontic treatment. 目的:研究中国人恒牙根管系统中侧副管的解剖形态,为牙髓治疗提供依据。
Clinical Observation of Dental Pulp and Root Changes of Juvenile Anterior Permanent Teeth After Concussion and Luxation 年轻恒牙震荡和移位后牙髓与牙根变化的临床研究
The expression of type ⅲ collagen in dental pulp during root development of immature permanent teeth 年轻恒牙牙根发育过程中牙髓中Ⅲ型胶原的表达
Skills of clinic treatment and evaluation of therapeutic effect on crown fracture of young permanent teeth 年轻恒牙冠折临床处置技巧及疗效评估
Diagnosis and Treatment of Permanent Teeth with Canal Varieties Using Dental Operating Microscope 利用根管显微镜诊治恒牙变异根管的临床疗效
Conclusions: The luxation rate of young permanent teeth is high, and its replantation effects are good. 结论:少儿前恒牙脱位率高,再植效果好。
Permanent teeth caries occurred mostly in first permanent molar among 7,9,12 age groups. 9、12岁年龄组儿童中,大部分恒牙龋齿都发生在第一恒磨牙;